Voting Vaults
The ElementDAO currently uses the following vaults to allocate voting power:
Locking Vault
Contract Address: 0x02Bd4A3b1b95b01F2Aa61655415A5d3EAAcaafdD
The Locking Vault allows ELFI holders to participate in governance. It allocates 1 vote per ELFI that is deposited in the vault's contract.
Vesting Vault
Contract Address: 0x6De73946eab234F1EE61256F10067D713aF0e37A
The Vesting Vault allows users with vested ELFI to participate in governance. It allocates 0.05 votes per ELFI that's on the associated vesting contract. Once the ELFI has vested and been claimed from the vesting contract, they would no longer provide voting power through this vault, but the ELFI can be deposited into a different vault for voting power.
Governance Steering Council (GSC) Vault
Contract Address: 0xcA870E8aa4FCEa85b5f0c6F4209C8CBA9265B940
The GSC vault is where GSC proposals are voted on and executed. The types of proposals that can be made through this vault is initially limited, but the DAO can vote to extend the functions that the GSC can execute. Each member of the GSC gets 1 vote.
Last updated