Test Assets
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Last updated
First, you'll need Sepolia ETH to transact on Ethereum's Sepolia testnet. You can get it on any of the available Sepolia ETH faucets.
Next, you can mint the supported testnet base assets directly through the Hyperdrive testnet UI:
You can mint 10,000 DAI per transaction. To do so, click on a market that uses DAI as a base asset, and look at your Available Assets on the top right section of the screen:
Click on the ellipses beside the asset you want to mint (DAI or sDAI). Note that to convert DAI to sDAI, you must first have DAI in your wallet. The app will deposit your current DAI balance into the sDAI contract (up to 10,000 DAI per transaction).
Click on the Mint button (or Convert to sDAI). This will prompt a transaction in your connected web3 wallet.
Once the transaction is executed on-chain, your DAI or sDAI balances will be updated accordingly.